If there is one thing I love eating for breakfast more than any other dish it is Fried Eggs. And not the kind where the whites are soft and cooked, but one where they crispy and golden. It is the best part and I dunking toast to break the yolk is something I look forward to.
Eggs can be hard to cook, it is the reason why this was the first thing I was made to cook when I interviewed to work at a restaurant kitchen. Cooking a perfect egg requires some skill, precision and fair amount of practice. Now purists might say, these eggs look.. burnt because of the brown edges, but I digress! It is common in many Asian cultures to cook eggs this way and I remember eating fried eggs cooked liked this for as long as I can remember!
Here are some tips to ensure you get beautiful fried eggs like these in less than five minutes every time!
Non Stick or Cast Iron Pan – use a safe non stick coated pan. This will guarantee that your eggs don’t stick to the bottom. If you are a using a cast iron pan, season it before using.
Oil – don’t skip on the oil, use about 3 tablespoons for every eggs. I know this sounds like a lot but you need it to crisp those edges.
Basting – use a spoon and baste the eggs, meaning spoon the oil over the whites so they cook evenly.
Temperature – keep the heat on medium high and and don’t walk away form the pan. Wear an apron because this will splatter!
Suggested Toppings – Chili oil, chili peppers, scallions, chaat masala, garlic chutney, onions, tomatoes, podi masala, hot sauce.
Fried Eggs
- 1 egg
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Red pepper flakes for garnish
- Kosher salt to season
- Chili oil for garnish
- Scallions for garnish
- Toast to serve
- In a medium skillet over medium high heat, fry the eggs, basting the whites with a spoon.
- Carefully remove from pan onto a plate, sprinkle salt, scallions and drizzle chili oil.
- Serve immediately with toast or accompaniment of your choice
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